-Its your boy
KennyKen and I thought tonight I would just come out firing on all kinds of beliefs and one liners,observations....I'm just gonna throw stuff against the wall see what sticks, what people hate, who wants to get confrontational or
praise me so away we go. First off American "Idle" is a tired retread every single week, I think prime time karaoke has run its course and is mildly amusing at best and people watch it now who hopelessly live vicariously through teenagers or people that are such posers to any self respecting person that could never buy there act (Adam Lambert),Does he have talent? Yes. Does that make him the god that millions make him out to be? No! Besides he has already made it in the cast of Wicked in L.A. so he should be that good and polishedTo be fair I used to watch this show all the time. It was a novelty and innovative in the realm of reality tv for years but tuning in to see people give a blind man with a marginal voice a free pass because of his condition is ridiculous. I get it he can't see that doesn't mean he should sell records. He is no Stevie Wonder or Andrea Bocelli. All that said I do like Allison Iraheta, to me she represents what the show was originally based on.
-In watching the Cyclones again this year it reminds me just how much fun sports can be to watch when done right. Im sure it helps that I have loved hockey since my childhood and had the opportunity to play some growing up, but, the Cincinnati Cyclones embody the aspects that every franchise should aspire to in attracting a loyal fanbase. Reasonable ticket prices $10, despite the somewhat violent nature of the sport it is a family friendly atmosphere given that on any given night a family of four can go on promotional nights and check in well under $100 try that at a baseball or football game even movies have started to get out of hand. They work to provide constant giveaways even under the constraints of a minor league budget. The intermissions are filled with events to keep the fans engaged in the evening, and on top of it all they are a great team beginning a repeat run to the championship...get out and try a game.
and now just a few things to spit out
-I think the metal plates road crews put down are in some cases as bad as pot holes and just excuses to not finish the job.
-NO ONE is as pc as they claim to be, we all have our prejudices
-Country Music speaks in plain language and pound for pound has some of the best writing
-Your Mom jokes will always be funny and get a laugh (in the proper company)
-RENT is the most complete musical every written
-It doesn't get any better than this may be the most agreeable phrase in the world. It just doesnt get any better than saying or hearing that, it just means good times
-I think everyone should be a bit selfish lest you short change yourself, complete selflessness is not healthy
-Disney kids may be robots as per the onion but I still like it
-Most people can't handle the concept of making a turn at more than 5 mph
-How does one aquire a taste for something...if you hate it originally how do you end up loving it
-Does it ever seem weird that alot of us like living with animals in our homes,(I have a dog and a cat)
-drinks are more enjoyable out of a bottle, beer out of a clear bottle
-friends are alot of times people you feel bad for disliking many things about and love them anyway (ouch)...it was total random thought but Im gonna stick with it
-all boys all inherently major tools when they are between 6-12.
-millions of people myself included for intents and purposes would stop existing without cell phones and internet