Okay so I'm just about as guilty as anyone when it comes to sharing parts of my life with people on facebook. While some of them are good friends of mine others are mere acquaintances at best. I post pictures and some random thoughts from time to time and its all in good fun. However, why did we get to a point where some people will feel completely comfortable laying out the subject matter of every event in their everyday life. Now again alot of this is devils advocate but number 1. Have we become such an exhibtionist society that we need to have our lives on display for the praise or scrutiny of the general population. Along with our newly inherint exhibitionism we have also the great need for people to read and look at the things we share and comment back to them. I mean does anyone really post (insert name)is sick,happy,headed out for a night on the town, etc and not check back later to read if someone said "hope you feel better,whats the good news or drink one for me". We are a society of instant self gratification constantly searching for ways to get the news to everyone quicker. Mail and Newspapers went to Email IM myspace facebook now twitter. Even when I finish this certain people will receive notifications that I have said something that I feel people should view me as important enough to come read. Dont take this as an insult the reason Im writing this because I do in fact want people to read it..people can claim they dont care what people think, the truth of the matter if its published or posted its because you want to be judged by what you provide to the reader. Again, I wont stop what I do with these mediums I have facebook y messenger gchat and twitter all at the ready on my phone and computer, but I do at times feel indfifferent and uncomfortable learning things about people that I feel would best be suited left to family and actual friends. Its really okay if we dont know what you are making for dinner, your doctors appointments,and what was once considered private subjects. Now if you will excuse me I'm headed over to facebook to make people aware that I posted this. Just another day BeingKennyKen
Monday, March 23, 2009
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okay as a post script to this blog...I went to facebook to pimp my post and read probably the most retarded thing I have ever read, it was really bad....
ReplyDeleteNice cliff-hanger post script.
ReplyDeleteIs what I'm making for dinner something that was once considered a private subject?
And does my most recent Facebook status underscore my life with something shallow enough to make it an award winning post? Nah, can't top what you showed me earlier... Oh well, I tried:
Leah Sherman : nothing in my life is nearly as good as these new potato chips I tried.
2 seconds ago · Comment · Like
maybe I should clarify, what you make for dinner isn't really private but it still doesn't mean the world needs to know
ReplyDeleteI know you were not refering to me posting about the lost of Chris and I's child; but I felt the need to comment on this.
ReplyDeleteI have been a hair stylist for 8 years. Many people don't agree with my openness or brutal honesty; but to me it's very theraputic to talk about things or post them. The support of others really helps me get through the day or the situation. Most of my friends on facebook are my real friends and family and it's easier for us to keep in touch through facebook. While I can't explain why everyone updates so much, I can explain why I do it.
We are a self-centered society. This has caused many of our current problems including, but not limited to, our current economic crisis. Does a constant need to let everyone you know what you are thinking via facebook mean that you are a self loving attention whore? No - but I think to some-extent we all are. Its a simple trap to think the verse we have to contribute is more important than someone elses. This is why I have realized that I need to learn to listen . . .
ReplyDeleteand why we all struggle with this, since I think what I have to say matters (and that would be ok, but sometimes, I must confess, I think I am smarter than you :))
To address sublimestylist first..it certainly is not my intention to take away from the loss of your child. I was very saddened by the news and my heart goes out to you and Chris. I can certainly understand your desire to post things in order to help heal, especially when the majority of the people that will receive the message are people you speak with on a regular basis. I will admit feeling a bit uneasy when reading it, its not something you ever hope someone has to deal with and I kinda thought I was getting privy to grief I wasnt in a proper place to share. To what Jered has to say, I think at the heart of the matter we all carry the sense of "Im smarter or better than you", example being in the winter time we we complain about how cincinnati drivers cant handle the snow, when in fact we are one of those drivers ourselves but could never really be part of the problem (by the way Im not part of the problem)
ReplyDeleteand one more aside and its something that Jered hit on saturday night, while I dont mind chatting with people, saying something just to hear yourself talk drives me crazy, if the woman next to me mentions one more thing about the weather or acai berry I may staircase her- credit Leah Sherman for that term
ReplyDeleteA better idea: somehow make her staircase herself (wire across the top step, a strategically placed banana peel, a small amount of olive oil). I think it'd be equally as gratifying but would eliminate the chance of creating a hostile work environment.
ReplyDeleteThen again... you may be the type who gets the most gratification from actually giving the shove. If so, do it. Do it. DO IT!
I'm a horrible person.
Communication is getting easier and way more advanced (if that makes any sense). So those of you with data plans for your crackberry's and iPhones are feeding the issue. (I say "issue" not "problem" because in the scheme of things, a facebook/twitter/myspace status update is low on the list of "problems")
ReplyDeleteIf I want to update my status on a social networking site I need to be at a computer with access to the interwebs, but that's not a problem for those fortunate enough to be able to afford a data plan on their trendy gadgets. Having the power to instantly communicate is a "necessity" for some and the definition of "instant" is rapidly changing.
Remember when a corded telephone was "instant"? First you had to be at a location with a telephone, then you had to locate it dial, wait for the person to answer and then you could tell them your news/status/etc. Then came pay phones, increasing the accessibility of "instant" then "car phones" then cell phones (Now we don't even need to dial a FULL number or remember anyone's number with speed dial). Just when we thought "instant" was truly "instant" smart phones came on the scene meaning you can update your message to the world "instantly".
The main purpose of technology in society is to increase productivity... now the relativity of "productive" is another matter...
Eric Williams: typing a comment on Kenny Ken's blog, work, food, then sleep. Leave one! xoxo
5 seconds ago · Comment · Like